From Addiction Problems To Addiction Solutions!

 Addiction problems can have life damaging consequences depending on the kind of addiction and the severity and greatly affect our self esteem.

In North America, we live in an addicted society.  There are a lot of things we can be addicted to. For example:

Smoking, Alcohol, Sex, Work, Shopping, Hoarding, Material Possessions, Careers, Gambling, Drugs, Painkillers etc etc.

I have a best friend who was addicted to alcohol.  He would have a bottle of wine almost every night.  He had a spiritual awakening and checked himself into a 12 step program and now he’s been sober for over 5 years.

Overcoming addiction problems.

The 12 Step Program.

A 12 step program is one of the most challenging, powerful, and life changing, events any person can do to achieve a sense of balance in their lives and increase their self esteem.  In a nutshell, participating in a 12 step program, is about cleaning up your life and taking responsibility for the damage done to yourself and to others.  All of this is done with a great sense of community so you are not alone in the process.

The Benefits Of Counseling.

Getting counseling is another great way to deal with addiction and to boost self esteem.  Working with a counselor with addiction experience and familiar with family system therapy, can be highly beneficial.  Also, you want a counselor you feel safe with so you can let down your guard and get the support you need. 

If for whatever reason you don’t feel safe with a counselor move on.  Life is too short in trying to make things work.  Have faith in your own process and trust your instincts as best you can. 

Overcoming Addiction On Your Own!

Sometimes if you have the desire and are determined to release the addiction problems, no help is needed at all.  For example some smokers just give up smoking.  My brother had a quadruple bypass, and that was enough for him to give up smoking.  He hasn’t had a smoke since and that was almost 20 years ago.

Powerful Self Esteem Affirmations!

If the addiction is not too severe like gambling or hoarding, then powerful self esteem affirmations are another good choice. They can change a negative mindset into a positive one and greatly boost self esteem. 

For example:   I Dave now release my need to gamble.
                      I Dave now release my need to hoard.

We wouldn’t be addicted to gambling or hoarding if we didn’t have some kind of need to do this.  Why we have the need is another question entirely and is beyond the scope of this article.

Now write out one of these positive self esteem affirmations 30 times a day, on the left side of a piece of paper.  On the right side of the paper write out your immediate response to writing the positive affirmation. It will usually be a negative statement.

For example:
Positive self esteem affirmation.                 Immediate response.
I Dave now release my need to gamble.     I can’t do this. I have no control.

If after a few days of writing or maybe even a week, you notice one of your immediate responses shows up more than a few times, take note.  Take this immediate response and flip it around to a positive self esteem affirmation.

For example: 
I Dave now release my need to hoard.        I am out of control

Take I am out of control and flip it around to read I Dave am now in healthy control of my life.

Now write this new positive self esteem affirmation 30 times a day, with the corresponding immediate response.

Once the immediate responses are more neutral than negative or maybe even positive, self change is happening in your life.

What this does is release any and all negativity and resistance one has built up to being in healthy control.

Please be patient with this process. It may take a few weeks to release all the negativity.

See self esteem affirmations.

Addiction problems can be a tough row to hoe depending on the severity.  With the highly recommended ideas listed here, making the necessary changes is very doable to achieve a happier, healthier life with a greater sense of self esteem.

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